Boyl 2021

BOYL 2021 zoomed its way up the calendar this year. After missing out on 2020 due to cancellation I was keen to attend in 21. The event got cancelled once or twice this year too….finally moving to October the 2nd.

As I do every year, I contacted the few heads I know if the UK to see if they too were going and hoped for the best. Just at the last minute though a few people had a bit o a scare due to a media-induced Petrol crisis. TV reports of a Petrol shortage near London had the whole country in a flap…and everyone rushed out to buy more gas than they use in a year….the result was that hardly anyone could get basic supplies and it looked like BOYL would be off the table again. (Pun intended).

Anyways, it all panned out ok in the end….people started to see sense and just enough petrol was delivered so that most of us could brave the suddenly wet weather and get over to FOUNDRY HQ at Newark.

I was very pleased to meet up with my Instagram pal GNOLL BRUSH. Aka Tom. We have been chatting for a couple of years and sharing our love of very old lead and its waxing and waning influence on our lives.

In addition, I spent some time chatting with David Wood of the Little Soldier Company, and Tim Prow of Diehard Miniatures. Stuart Klatcheff brought me a most excellent Book that I have wanted for years. I didn’t know Stu before but I found him an engaging fellow with an un-ending knowledge of lead figures, fantasy and sci-fi movies, So that makes him alright in my book.

Oldhammer Community in the flesh

Bryan Ansell and John Blanche weren’t there this time…or at least I didn’t spot them. I did see Tony Ackland briefly, but I did get the pleasure of speaking to Tony Yates, Kev Adams and Fellow Asgard Enthusiast Mark Stevenson.

Who could really ask for more?

Showcasing Painted Metal Warhammer Figures

First things first….Get the painted figures to the cabinet for the non existent painting competition. Last time (2019) I entered some tin soldier orcs..I personally reckon that that might have been a bit too left field for even the most openminded of judges. This time I brought a band of undead and a female Chaos Champion, all sculpted by Tim Prow of Diehard Miniatures

I feel my painting has come on a bit since 2019 and was hoping for a better result. I never thought I’d win, because frankly, the competition is very strong, but I always like to try…because …well you just never know. Plus, competing keeps you trying to improve.

Once we got the figures in the cabinet…it was off to do the obligatory perusal of the miniatures cabinets. Foundry have some of the most amazing cabinets you will ever see anywhere. Some real old beauties which, frankly are pleasure to behold.

As well as the old school figures, there are painted versions of most of the miniatures that foundry sell. Which, I might add, is an absolutely VAST range of both historical and fantasy. The painted Foundry figures are all down to studio quality and are absolutely beautiful and clean. I could never paint like that…it’s almost too perfect.

Warhammer Tabletop Terrain At Its Finest.

The rest of the day was spent chewing the fat (talking) and admiring the game tables. See below.

Beyond that I didn’t play the games, didn’t drink a beer and didn’t stay for dinner… but I did support the event by buying some lunch and a few drinks as well as a few packs of Miniatures from the Shop.

If you liked these figures please leave a comment below and follow me on Instagram

2 thoughts on “Boyl 2021

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  1. Nice write up. I only just clicked on you write a blog to complement the insta account. A fellow blogger here (Alex of Leadballoony) ran a 40k game at BOYL this year called last stand at Glazers Creek. (Pretty sure he runs one most years), so you may have run into him too.

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